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Intelligent attack! New direction of photovoltaic cost reduction and efficiency increase

Views: 0     Author: Bonnie     Publish Time: 2022-02-21      Origin:

Intelligent attack! New direction of photovoltaic cost reduction and efficiency increase

Even though photovoltaic has entered the era of parity, and the cost of photovoltaic power generation in many regions has been lower than that of traditional energy, enterprises are still moving forward on the road of cost reduction and efficiency increase.


Over the past decade, the innovation of technology and process, large-scale mass production and sharing of R & D costs have been the main direction of reducing costs and increasing efficiency. After entering the era of parity, these two methods have also approached the limit. If you want to further reduce costs and increase efficiency, you also need intelligent support.

Intellectualization has long been widely used in the field of manufacturing. For example, the flexible production of automobile factories has given great help to automobile enterprises. Only when the comprehensive level of automobile is higher and higher can we see that the price of automobile has not increased but also decreased slightly.

In the photovoltaic field, intelligence has also begun to help enterprises and users reduce costs and increase efficiency. At the upstream of the industrial chain, silicon wafer giant Zhonghuan Co., Ltd. has established a smart factory, which can increase the labor productivity by more than three times, the project capacity by more than two times, and the overall capacity can be effectively increased from the originally planned 10GW to 25gw.

In terms of supporting facilities, the tracking support can effectively help users improve power generation, and the market share is getting higher and higher. Support enterprises have also launched a more intelligent tracking support, which can not only simply rotate, but also track the sunshine according to the differences of terrain and temperature, so as to turn every ray of sunshine into electricity to the greatest extent.

At the level of operation and maintenance, intelligence is more obvious. Through excellent monitoring system, operation and maintenance enterprises can timely find the external impact of components, such as the shadow of components and the obvious reduction of power generation of which components. They can check in time, so as to increase power generation and help users increase revenue.

As more and more science and technology enterprises enter the photovoltaic industry, intelligence will penetrate into every link of the photovoltaic industry to help photovoltaic further reduce costs and increase efficiency.

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