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CONGRATS!!! Company library awards 2021 staff library demonstration site of Luhe district

Publish Time: 2022-02-22     Origin: Site

CONGRATS!!! Company library awards 2021 staff library demonstration site of Luhe district

Recently, OULU subordinate company Zhongzhi electric Nanjing Co., Ltd( received good news!  After being selected by the directly affiliated trade union and recommended by the District Federation of trade unions, the company's staff mini library was rated as the demonstration site of Liuhe trade union staff mini library in 2021.

ChinChi attaches great importance to the construction of corporate culture, vigorously advocates the wind of reading and learning, effectively promotes the construction of staff mini library, gives full play to the unique role of library in the construction of corporate culture, guides employees to develop the good habit of loving and reading good books, and arouses employees' interest in reading.

This summer, the Liuhe Federation of trade unions donated 115 books, and the general management department encouraged employees to donate 109 books. The company invested in the purchase of new books and formulated a standardized management system, which is open to employees on a regular basis.

At present, the staff library covers an area of 30 square meters and has a collection of more than 1400 books, including 569 books for literature, 195 books for skills, 169 books for operation and management, 130 books for inspiration, 220 books for newspapers and periodicals, 37 books for life, 35 books for marketing, 35 books for laws and regulations and 16 books for production. The mini library is also equipped with image materials, bookcases, tables and chairs and networked computers, All books in the library are free for staff to borrow.

Establishing a staff library is an important step in building a learning enterprise. The company hopes to make learning a habit of employees, make learning a part of our life and work, and make learning a ladder for the development and progress of the company!

The leaders of the company said that they would strengthen the construction and management of staff library, promote the improvement of staff quality and make greater contributions to social and economic development.

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